Posts Tagged 'light'

A Brand New Way, A Brand New Light

by Passion4Safety

Motion Sensing Light Socket + CF

As a consumer, we all know anything that is “efficient” saves. Efficiency saves time, convenience, and the most important money to be able to accommodate all (if not most) at a small / better yet an affordable price whatever the substance is you are trying to optimize. In this case anything that is “energy-efficient” saves on our use of natural resource energy and preserves our eco-system. On, First Alert allows consumers to achieve this task with the new Motion Sensing Light Socket + CF (Coming Soon). This Motion Sensing Light Socket, like the original one, works in garages, closets, laundry rooms, and basements as well. However with this brand new motion sensing detector, you are able to use your energy-efficient bulbs (compact florescent bulbs up to 50 watts / 100 watts for incandescent bulbs).  

What a better way to see even into the future with brighter light! For a list of our other convenient First Alert Home Safety Products, click here.